Rachel Griffin
Instructor | Private Lessons
Rachel has been playing softball for 15 years and coaching for 5 years. She started her career with the Lady Heat travel team out of Fayetteville, NC. She played softball at Western Harnett High school and continued her softball career as a collegiate athlete at Fayetteville State University as an infielder/utility player.
- Hitting Coach with Lady Heat travel ball (2016/17)
- Pine Forest High school JV (2018)
- 1 on 1 pitching and catching coach (2018/ current )
- Assistant coach at Fayetteville State University as an infield and catching coach (2021-2022)
- Coaches Award
- CIAA Rookie of the Year
- Second Team Selection
- Southern Division Champion
- 2x CIAA Champion Runner Up
- Batting Average : .600
- Slugging average: 1.500
- On base percentage: .733
- Fielding: .889